Thursday, July 14, 2011

IWant A Baby, iM Almost 20 iBeen Married For A Year And iStill Dont Have A Family...?

You're probably asking for too much right now. You need to be able to first off figure out whether or not you're gonna be dedicated for the rest of your life with your partner. Many young couples screw up at your age and don't understand the concept of experiencing adult-hood. Yes, having a baby would be "cute" and everything, but for now, I'd recommend waiting for a while before you do that. Not only are babies a hassle, but they cost quite a lot of money, considering all the things you have to do to ensure the baby is protected with life insurance and such. Overall, my recommendation is wait until you and your partner are considered "ready", and both of you have jobs that will allow you to pay for your child AND earn a comfortable living.

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